Friday, February 14, 2014

kimono lessons, take two!

So exactly a year after I took lessons to learn how to put on a kimono, I decided to continue and take the intermediate class! And a good thing I did, too, because it turns out I remembered pretty much nothing about how to put on a kimono, but now I've reached the point where today I successfully remembered all the steps and put on a kimono entirely by myself at home, in less than forty minutes! (If that sounds like a long time, it is, but it's a very elaborate process so I'm pretty sure even my teachers take at least 20 minutes.)

Here's some shots of me feeling accomplished, because the first time I tried to put on a kimono outside of class, it took at least an hour. -.-'

The kimono, obi, and accessories in these pictures were all ones that I found at a recycle shop nearby; even though kimonos (and obis and accessories) are pretty much all really expensive if you buy them new, I've found that there are lots of places where you can find used ones, which is fantastic! I think I actually like shopping at used clothing stores more than regular ones, because it's more fun to see what you can find (plus recycling and cutting costs is always a plus), so it's pretty cool to be able to find kimonos too, and whenever I see kimono stuff for sale I always have to go take a look. (Actually, I just always have to go look when I see kimono stuff anywhere - I think I'm really starting to get hooked, haha.)

I still haven't decided yet if I want to continue on the the advanced class right away or not, but I do think I will take it eventually. Now that I actually own my own kimonos and accessories, it's pretty good motivation to remember how to put them on, haha. And I feel like I might be on the verge of starting a collection...not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but. :)

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