All right, so this is my last chance at decent internet until I'm not sure when, since I'll have to get it set up at my apartment and probably shouldn't blog at work, so here's a final Tokyo orientation update!
Yesterday was the last day of orientation, and it was just as busy as the first! I spent the morning at a PA training session, although as it turns out I'm the PA for Chiba City and also the only JET in Chiba City, which really means that I'm just taking care of myself. But I talked to a Chiba prefecture PA and I might be helping out a little there, so the whole Prefectural Advisor title may mean something after all. :)
Next were some more helpful CIR workshops and then a presentation from the US Embassy. We also met with the Chiba prefecture PAs, and I met my supervisor! He seems really friendly and cheerful, so I'm excited to work with him from now on.
After that I went out to dinner with a couple of other Chiba JETs and wandered around Shinjuku for a little while. I still don't know where anything is, but since I'm so close to Tokyo I'll probably be back soon enough.
Today's the day when we all finally go to our respective prefectures! Chiba prefecture JETs get a bus ride to Chiba City, where we'll have some sort of welcoming ceremony, before splitting off to our final destinations. Luckily for me, Chiba City is my final destination, so I have a little less traveling than everybody else to do. According to my supervisor, after the ceremony we'll be off doing whatever needs to be done so that I can start living in my apartment - and also greeting some important people (he slipped that into our conversation just as casually yesterday! Hopefully nothing too nerve-wracking), so it'll be a busy busy day!
I'm excited to get to Chiba and actually start feeling like I'm in Japan - these past two days in a hotel, surrounded by English-speakers, hasn't really brought it home yet. I'm sure that once I get to Chiba and my apartment, though, it'll hit me! I'm excited. :)
Good luck in Japan Rochelle! Be safe and happy!