Sunday, July 29, 2012

and so it begins!

Well, I've arrived in Japan! Instead of going into lots of boring details about my flight, here's a list of things I would have tweeted, if I'd had internet access:

        Wondering why I'm the only Atlanta JET not sitting with everybody else…because I'm the one CIR? #doesntmakesense #alittlelonely

       Cool, the guy next to me snores when he sleeps. Great news for a fourteen-hour flight... #fun #not

       I can watch TED talks on the plane! #verycool #nerd

       Ate my shrimp and then noticed the cocktail sauce. Ate my salad and then noticed the dressing. #fail

       So many movies, so little time! One thing I love about really long international flights.

       日本到着!Landed safely in Narita. #herewego #itallstartsnow

So then I landed in Narita and we took a bus to get to our hotel in Tokyo, where we'll be having orientation for the next two days. My friend Stephen from Carleton happened to be on my bus, even though he came from Seattle and most of us were from Atlanta, which was a lucky coincidence. After getting to the hotel and checking in, I went out with some other JETs and had a late dinner at a random noodle shop nearby. It was cheap and delicious! Now I'm back in the hotel and probably just going to bed early (even though it's only around 9:00 here), because I am exhausted and we have orientation bright and early tomorrow. 

I may post again in the next two days (while I still have a reliable internet connection), but things may also just be crazy with orientation and whatnot, so no guarantees! Until next time though. :)

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